Jun 16, 2005   [去年の今ごろ]

Nokia 6265 発表。



D253i 風のスマートボディ。メタリックな筐体表面と無駄の無いシルエットはノキアコンパクトと称えたくなる。注目すべきは CDMA2000 1x 方式を採用していること、 BREW3.1 (あるいはJavaアプリ) が利用できること。CDMA2000 は WIN で採用されている方式であり、 BREW といえば au がイチオシのプラットフォームだ。2 ちゃんねる携帯板のノキアスレではこの度発表された機種が「 au の冬市場向け戦略端末」という噂も出ている。



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Posted at 03:05 -  permalink -  category: 携帯電話 -  comments(78) -  tags: mobile

May 27, 2005   [去年の今ごろ]

Nokia の FOMA

 26 日のロイターいわく、NTT ドコモが Nokia から FOMA 向け端末の「初」調達を検討しているとのこと。仕様などは未定、N900iG のような国際ローミングになるかもしれないらしい。

 投入は早くて今年度下期以降ということなので、端末を FOMA 向けにローカライズする作業時間を考慮すると既に投入する端末のベースとなる端末は決定していると思われる。Nokia 好きな私の希望を含めた憶測を書くと、現在 Nokia がリリースしている端末のうち WCDMA 網に対応しており、かつ現行の FOMA 端末に近いスペックを持つものとなると 6630 や 6680 が投入される可能性が高い。また、既に Nokia が日本語バージョンをリリースした実績がある端末 (ノキア・ジャパン株式会社 - 3G携帯電話、第3世代携帯電話) になることも考えられる。もし投入されるのが 6630 になるとしたら既に Vodafone 3G の端末として国内に投入されているので今さら感があるが、FOMA ユーザとっては目新しいストレート型スマートフォンとして注目を集めそうだ。

 興味深いのは、ドコモが Nokia 端末を N, P, SH などと同列に扱うのか (または N900iG のように売られるのか) 、Series60 アプリケーションは Nokia のオリジナル機と同様に動作するのか (機能制限) という点。

 余談。ドコモがノキアから携帯電話端末を初調達というのは、PDC の時にリリースされた NM502i のように Nokia がドコモ専用機を製作するのではなく Nokia が企画・販売している端末をドコモがローカライズするのが初、ということでよいのだろうか。


Posted at 13:20 -  permalink -  category: 携帯電話 -  comments(0) -  tags: mobile

May 26, 2005   [去年の今ごろ]

google_highlight プラグインの導入


google_highlight プラグイン

 google_highlight プラグインは、google などのサーチエンジンで入力された検索語がリファラに存在したらその単語をハイライト表示する機能を提供する(右図)。二つの変更(下リスト)を加えて導入した。

  1. 各サーチエンジンの検索語に対応
  2. Jcode モジュールではなく Encode を使う

 1. は Jpan Tools -TOOL:検索ワード抽出ルーチン- を参考にして実現。

 2. について。入力された単語の文字コードを guess して euc-jp に encode するという処理をプラグインに加える。guess の対象となる文字コードを

use Encode::Guess qw(euc-jp shiftjis 7bit-jis);

としてしばらく運用してみると、どうやら単語がうまい具合に guess されていない問題に気付く。guess 結果にて shift-jis or euc-jp とか shift-jis or UTF8 となる場合が見られた。試行錯誤するうちに、guess に失敗するのは shift-jis とその他の文字コードの判別ができない場合に多いことがわかった。検索語の文字コードの分布の話 によると大手サーチエンジン (google, Yahoo, msn) の検索語は shift-jis であるよりも euc-jp か utf8 であることが多いので

use Encode::Guess qw(euc-jp utf8);

と、shift-jis を考慮せずに guess するように変更した。対症療法であるが今のところ Yahoo, msn の検索語についてはうまく guess / encode されている様子。


Posted at 11:23 -  permalink -  category: Blosxom -  comments(0) -  tags: blosxom

May 23, 2005   [去年の今ごろ]

au 新機種

au 新機種

 W32SA, W31CA, W31T, A5511T, A5512CA が発表された。

KDDI 会社情報: ニュースリリース > au携帯電話の新機種の発売及び新サービス「EZテレビ」・「聴かせて検索」・「安心ナビ」などの提供について

 CDMA 1X の 2 機種のカメラは A5512CA が 128 万画素、A5511T が 130 万画素でどちらも CMOS 素子。200 万画素超は WIN の仕事になってしまったのかしら。


 WIN の W31T のカメラは 236 万画素 CCD だけど、どうやらオートフォーカス機能がないらしい。A5509T に似た落ち着いた外観、 Bluetooth、無難な機能を抑えながらコンパクトボディと久しぶりにリリースされた「おじさんが持っても恥ずかしくない携帯」だと思ったのに、もったいない。ところでこれまでの WIN 機は多機能を売りにするゆえに、もっこり感がある端末が多かったので毛嫌いしていたが最近は普及機も出揃って選択の余地があるのでそんなこともない。廃れる傾向にある CDMA 1X のラインナップを眺めるよりも楽しいというのが本音。そんな時、W31T にはけっこう惹かれる。

 A5511T のテレビ機能は魅力的。なぜか Vodafone の東芝端末を彷彿とさせる (nudio っぽい?) デザインもスタイリッシュ。カラーバリエーションのうち、リアルシルバーのボタンの色使いが好き。

 A5512CA が CDMA 1X で主流となりつつある SWEETS 路線だったのがガッカリ。G'z の後継機かもという期待は見事に打ち砕かれた。(と思ったら後日発表との情報が。)

 東芝の 2 機種に興味。


Posted at 22:51 -  permalink -  category: 携帯電話 -  comments(0) -  tags: mobile

May 19, 2005   [去年の今ごろ]

RSS 配信内容の省略方法を変更。

 RSS の XML <content:encoded> の部分でエントリの本文を省略したものを配信しているが、この省略の方法を変更した。


$body =~ s/<\/p>.+$/ .../s;

のように「本文 $body の最初に出現する段落の終端以降を省略する」方法をとっていた。これの良い所はある程度キリが良い部分で本文を省略できる点であるが、しばらくこの方法を試したところ「省略されるサイズがまちまち」、「極端に省略されすぎる」という問題に気付いた。そこで省略方法を「制限文字数を越えた分を省略」に変更することにして、ソースに以下の文を加えた。

if ($limit) {
    if(length($body) > $limit){
        $body = substr($body, 0, $limit + (length($body) % 2));
        $body .= " ...";
        $body .= length($body) % 2;

 本文 $body の文字数が制限文字数 $limit を越えていたら $limit 文字目までを本文とする、というごく単純な内容。ここで単純に $limit で指定された文字数で本文を substr すると 2 バイト文字が分割されて文字化けすることがあるので、本文の文字数が奇数なら $limit より 1 文字多めを本文にするというやや信頼性が低い処理を追加した(本文が奇数なら $limit までの文字数も奇数である可能性が高いので)。


 Firefox + Sage で、省略のし方を変更したものを表示してみた(下イメージ)。整然として気持ちが良い。



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ディーゼル 財布:
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ディーゼル 財布:
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クロエ バッグ:
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ディーゼル 時計:
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I think the admin of this website is in fact working hard in support of his web page, as here every stuff is quality based material.|
アグ サンダル
【UGG特別価格】UGG ブーツ- アグ -WOMEN’S CLASSIC TALL STRIPE CABLE KNIT(レディース ケーブルニットブーツ)☆☆:
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UGG ブーツ- アグ -【WOMENS CLASSIC SHORT SPARKLES】スパンコール ムートンブーツ ☆☆:
{I believe everything {posted|typed|said|published}|I think that everything {posted|composed|said|published}|I think everything {posted|composed|said|published}|I think that what you {posted|wrote|said|published}|What you {posted|typed|said|published}} {was very reasonable|made a lot of sense}. But, {what about this?|think on this,} what if you {were to write a awesome {headline|title}?|added a little content?|composed a catchier title?} {I am not saying your information isn't solid.|I ain't suggesting your information isn't good|I mean, I don't wish to tell you how to run your blog}, however what if you added {a post title|something|a {headline|title}} {that grabbed folk's attention?|to possibly grab people's attention?|that makes people desire more?} I mean %BLOG_TITLE% is kinda plain. You might peek at Yahoo's front page and watch how they {create|write} article titles to grab viewers to click. You might add a related video or a picture or two to get readers excited about everything've written. In my opinion, it could make your {posts|website} a little livelier.|
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UGG ブーツ- アグ -MENS CLASSIC SHORT BOMBER(メンズ ムートンクラッシック ショート ボンバー ブーツ)★★:
Great info. Lucky me I recently found your site by chance (stumbleupon). I have saved as a favorite for later!|
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UGG ブーツ- アグ -MENS SHEEPSKIN INSOLE(メンズ シープスキン インソール)★★:
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アグ サンダル:
There is certainly a lot to know about this topic. I like all the points you made.|
アグ サンダル
UGG ブーツ- アグ -【MENS CLASSIC MINI】メンズ クラシック ミニ ムートンブーツ★★:
Thanks very interesting blog!|
UGG ブーツ- アグ -【MENS CLASSIC MINI】メンズ クラシック ミニ ムートンブーツ★★
ミネトンカ モカシン:
So, increasingly, they kept clear with Ian, knowing that if that they dared to broach accidental injuries (particularly insoluble types!) they would incur his or her wrath. It didn take Ian longer to realise that her direct reports were failing to produce results and he became exceedingly frustrated concerning the lack of progress. Naturally he remonstrated along, explaining over and about again the importance connected with proposing solutions. what you paid pertaining to to spot challenges in addition to produce SOLUTIONS! But it was to no avail. The more Ian fretted, the more his special reports took fright and endured solution paralysis. Eventually, Ian called a catastrophe meeting and demanded a conclusion. the problem? he shrieked, slamming his fist down within the table. But his direct stories, flabbergasted to hear Ian while using P word, couldn bring themselves to inform him that the issue was him! Advice to Ian.
ミネトンカ モカシン
And so, increasingly, they kept clear of Ian, knowing that if these people dared to broach wounds (particularly insoluble types!) they would incur the wrath. It didn take Ian much time to realise that his or her direct reports were failing to deliver results and he became exceedingly frustrated regarding the lack of progress. Naturally he remonstrated at their side, explaining over and about again the importance associated with proposing solutions. what you paid to get to spot challenges in addition to produce SOLUTIONS! But it was that will no avail. The more Ian fretted, the more his special reports took fright and endured solution paralysis. Eventually, Ian called a catastrophe meeting and demanded evidence. the problem? he shrieked, slamming his fist down on the table. But his direct accounts, flabbergasted to hear Ian with the P word, couldn bring themselves to tell him that the issue was him! Advice to Ian.
モンクレール ダウン:
Consequently, increasingly, they kept clear associated with Ian, knowing that if they will dared to broach injuries (particularly insoluble kinds!) they would incur his / her wrath. It didn take Ian longer to realise that the direct reports were failing to offer results and he became exceedingly frustrated in regards to the lack of progress. Naturally he remonstrated using them, explaining over and about again the importance associated with proposing solutions. what you paid intended for to spot challenges and produce SOLUTIONS! But it was to no avail. The more Ian fretted, the more his special reports took fright and lived with solution paralysis. Eventually, Ian called a turmoil meeting and demanded learn more. the problem? he shrieked, slamming his fist down around the table. But his direct accounts, flabbergasted to hear Ian when using the P word, couldn bring themselves to make sure him that the issue was him! Advice to Ian.
モンクレール ダウン
オーストラリア ugg:
And so, increasingly, they kept clear associated with Ian, knowing that if many people dared to broach incidents (particularly insoluble people!) they would incur her wrath. It didn take Ian lengthy to realise that his / her direct reports were failing to offer results and he became exceedingly frustrated within the lack of progress. Naturally he remonstrated using them, explaining over and above again the importance associated with proposing solutions. what you paid pertaining to to spot challenges and also produce SOLUTIONS! But it was in order to no avail. The more Ian fretted, the more his lead reports took fright and suffered from solution paralysis. Eventually, Ian called a turmoil meeting and demanded a conclusion. the problem? he shrieked, slamming his fist down to the table. But his direct information, flabbergasted to hear Ian while using P word, couldn bring themselves to share with him that the challenge was him! Advice to Ian.
オーストラリア ugg
Therefore, increasingly, they kept clear with Ian, knowing that if that they dared to broach injuries (particularly insoluble types!) they would incur her wrath. It didn take Ian lengthy to realise that her direct reports were failing to supply results and he became exceedingly frustrated about the lack of progress. Naturally he remonstrated along, explaining over and more than again the importance connected with proposing solutions. what you paid with regard to to spot challenges and also produce SOLUTIONS! But it was to be able to no avail. The more Ian fretted, the more his lead reports took fright and suffered with solution paralysis. Eventually, Ian called a catastrophe meeting and demanded evidence. the problem? he shrieked, slamming his fist down around the table. But his direct reviews, flabbergasted to hear Ian with the P word, couldn bring themselves to share with him that the trouble was him! Advice to Ian.
ミネトンカ ブーツ フリンジ:
Consequently, increasingly, they kept clear connected with Ian, knowing that if these people dared to broach injuries (particularly insoluble types!) they would incur his or her wrath. It didn take Ian lengthy to realise that her direct reports were failing to produce results and he became exceedingly frustrated regarding the lack of progress. Naturally he remonstrated with these, explaining over and above again the importance associated with proposing solutions. what you paid intended for to spot challenges plus produce SOLUTIONS! But it was in order to no avail. The more Ian fretted, the more his lead reports took fright and lived with solution paralysis. Eventually, Ian called a crisis meeting and demanded in detail. the problem? he shrieked, slamming his fist down about the table. But his direct reports, flabbergasted to hear Ian using the P word, couldn bring themselves to make sure him that the dilemma was him! Advice to Ian.
ミネトンカ ブーツ フリンジ
Therefore, increasingly, they kept clear connected with Ian, knowing that if these people dared to broach incidents (particularly insoluble types!) they would incur his or her wrath. It didn take Ian much time to realise that his or her direct reports were failing to produce results and he became exceedingly frustrated within the lack of progress. Naturally he remonstrated with them, explaining over and above again the importance connected with proposing solutions. what you paid with regard to to spot challenges plus produce SOLUTIONS! But it was in order to no avail. The more Ian fretted, the more his immediate reports took fright and suffered with solution paralysis. Eventually, Ian called a problems meeting and demanded a conclusion. the problem? he shrieked, slamming his fist down on the table. But his direct stories, flabbergasted to hear Ian with the P word, couldn bring themselves to see him that the issue was him! Advice to Ian.
アグ サンダル:
Great article! This is the kind of info that are meant to be shared across the net. Shame on {the seek engines|Google} for now not positioning this put up upper! Come on over and talk over with my site . Thanks =)|
アグ サンダル
ミネトンカ セール:
So, increasingly, they kept clear with Ian, knowing that if these people dared to broach incidents (particularly insoluble ones!) they would incur his / her wrath. It didn take Ian lengthy to realise that his / her direct reports were failing to deliver results and he became exceedingly frustrated about the lack of progress. Naturally he remonstrated with them, explaining over and more than again the importance associated with proposing solutions. what you paid with regard to to spot challenges and produce SOLUTIONS! But it was to no avail. The more Ian fretted, the more his lead reports took fright and suffered with solution paralysis. Eventually, Ian called a turmoil meeting and demanded in detail. the problem? he shrieked, slamming his fist down around the table. But his direct stories, flabbergasted to hear Ian while using the P word, couldn bring themselves to make sure him that the challenge was him! Advice to Ian.
ミネトンカ セール
ミネトンカ モカシン:
And so, increasingly, they kept clear of Ian, knowing that if these people dared to broach incidents (particularly insoluble ones!) they would incur the wrath. It didn take Ian prolonged to realise that her direct reports were failing to supply results and he became exceedingly frustrated regarding the lack of progress. Naturally he remonstrated using them, explaining over and about again the importance with proposing solutions. what you paid with regard to to spot challenges in addition to produce SOLUTIONS! But it was that will no avail. The more Ian fretted, the more his direct reports took fright and suffered with solution paralysis. Eventually, Ian called a turmoil meeting and demanded evidence. the problem? he shrieked, slamming his fist down within the table. But his direct reviews, flabbergasted to hear Ian while using P word, couldn bring themselves to share with him that the trouble was him! Advice to Ian.
ミネトンカ モカシン
アグ ブーツ:
Therefore, increasingly, they kept clear with Ian, knowing that if these people dared to broach injuries (particularly insoluble types!) they would incur his or her wrath. It didn take Ian lengthy to realise that the direct reports were failing to deliver results and he became exceedingly frustrated regarding the lack of progress. Naturally he remonstrated along, explaining over and around again the importance connected with proposing solutions. what you paid intended for to spot challenges and produce SOLUTIONS! But it was to no avail. The more Ian fretted, the more his special reports took fright and lived with solution paralysis. Eventually, Ian called a turmoil meeting and demanded learn more. the problem? he shrieked, slamming his fist down within the table. But his direct reviews, flabbergasted to hear Ian while using P word, couldn bring themselves to see him that the dilemma was him! Advice to Ian.
アグ ブーツ
ミネトンカ セール:
And so, increasingly, they kept clear associated with Ian, knowing that if these people dared to broach incidents (particularly insoluble people!) they would incur his wrath. It didn take Ian prolonged to realise that the direct reports were failing to provide results and he became exceedingly frustrated regarding the lack of progress. Naturally he remonstrated with them, explaining over and about again the importance connected with proposing solutions. what you paid to get to spot challenges in addition to produce SOLUTIONS! But it was to be able to no avail. The more Ian fretted, the more his immediate reports took fright and suffered with solution paralysis. Eventually, Ian called a crisis meeting and demanded learn more. the problem? he shrieked, slamming his fist down about the table. But his direct information, flabbergasted to hear Ian using the P word, couldn bring themselves to share with him that the trouble was him! Advice to Ian.
ミネトンカ セール
ミネトンカ コーデ:
And so, increasingly, they kept clear of Ian, knowing that if they will dared to broach accidental injuries (particularly insoluble types!) they would incur his or her wrath. It didn take Ian prolonged to realise that his direct reports were failing to offer results and he became exceedingly frustrated in regards to the lack of progress. Naturally he remonstrated at their side, explaining over and about again the importance with proposing solutions. what you paid to get to spot challenges and produce SOLUTIONS! But it was for you to no avail. The more Ian fretted, the more his immediate reports took fright and experienced solution paralysis. Eventually, Ian called a problems meeting and demanded in detail. the problem? he shrieked, slamming his fist down about the table. But his direct stories, flabbergasted to hear Ian while using the P word, couldn bring themselves to inform him that the dilemma was him! Advice to Ian.
ミネトンカ コーデ
ミネトンカ コーデ:
Therefore, increasingly, they kept clear connected with Ian, knowing that if these people dared to broach injuries (particularly insoluble kinds!) they would incur his wrath. It didn take Ian longer to realise that his or her direct reports were failing to offer results and he became exceedingly frustrated concerning the lack of progress. Naturally he remonstrated along, explaining over and around again the importance connected with proposing solutions. what you paid pertaining to to spot challenges plus produce SOLUTIONS! But it was for you to no avail. The more Ian fretted, the more his immediate reports took fright and suffered from solution paralysis. Eventually, Ian called a crisis meeting and demanded learn more. the problem? he shrieked, slamming his fist down about the table. But his direct reviews, flabbergasted to hear Ian with the P word, couldn bring themselves to make sure him that the issue was him! Advice to Ian.
ミネトンカ コーデ
ミネトンカ セール:
Therefore, increasingly, they kept clear associated with Ian, knowing that if that they dared to broach incidents (particularly insoluble ones!) they would incur his / her wrath. It didn take Ian lengthy to realise that the direct reports were failing to supply results and he became exceedingly frustrated concerning the lack of progress. Naturally he remonstrated with them, explaining over and above again the importance with proposing solutions. what you paid pertaining to to spot challenges and produce SOLUTIONS! But it was for you to no avail. The more Ian fretted, the more his lead reports took fright and experienced solution paralysis. Eventually, Ian called a turmoil meeting and demanded learn more. the problem? he shrieked, slamming his fist down around the table. But his direct accounts, flabbergasted to hear Ian while using the P word, couldn bring themselves to make sure him that the dilemma was him! Advice to Ian.
ミネトンカ セール
ミネトンカ キッズ モカシン:
Consequently, increasingly, they kept clear regarding Ian, knowing that if they will dared to broach injuries (particularly insoluble versions!) they would incur the wrath. It didn take Ian lengthy to realise that his / her direct reports were failing to provide results and he became exceedingly frustrated within the lack of progress. Naturally he remonstrated using them, explaining over and above again the importance regarding proposing solutions. what you paid pertaining to to spot challenges and produce SOLUTIONS! But it was in order to no avail. The more Ian fretted, the more his immediate reports took fright and endured solution paralysis. Eventually, Ian called a uncertainty meeting and demanded a conclusion. the problem? he shrieked, slamming his fist down around the table. But his direct accounts, flabbergasted to hear Ian while using P word, couldn bring themselves to tell him that the trouble was him! Advice to Ian.
ミネトンカ キッズ モカシン
モンクレール 新作 メンズ:
Therefore, increasingly, they kept clear with Ian, knowing that if these people dared to broach wounds (particularly insoluble types!) they would incur his or her wrath. It didn take Ian long to realise that the direct reports were failing to offer results and he became exceedingly frustrated regarding the lack of progress. Naturally he remonstrated with them, explaining over and about again the importance of proposing solutions. what you paid to get to spot challenges along with produce SOLUTIONS! But it was to no avail. The more Ian fretted, the more his lead reports took fright and lived with solution paralysis. Eventually, Ian called a uncertainty meeting and demanded a conclusion. the problem? he shrieked, slamming his fist down within the table. But his direct accounts, flabbergasted to hear Ian with the P word, couldn bring themselves to share with him that the issue was him! Advice to Ian.
モンクレール 新作 メンズ
So, increasingly, they kept clear of Ian, knowing that if these people dared to broach accidental injuries (particularly insoluble ones!) they would incur his or her wrath. It didn take Ian lengthy to realise that his or her direct reports were failing to provide results and he became exceedingly frustrated within the lack of progress. Naturally he remonstrated with them, explaining over and over again the importance of proposing solutions. what you paid pertaining to to spot challenges along with produce SOLUTIONS! But it was that will no avail. The more Ian fretted, the more his immediate reports took fright and experienced solution paralysis. Eventually, Ian called a uncertainty meeting and demanded a conclusion. the problem? he shrieked, slamming his fist down to the table. But his direct stories, flabbergasted to hear Ian when using the P word, couldn bring themselves to see him that the dilemma was him! Advice to Ian.
モンクレール 新作 メンズ:
So, increasingly, they kept clear with Ian, knowing that if many people dared to broach injuries (particularly insoluble ones!) they would incur his wrath. It didn take Ian longer to realise that her direct reports were failing to offer results and he became exceedingly frustrated concerning the lack of progress. Naturally he remonstrated along, explaining over and over again the importance with proposing solutions. what you paid for to spot challenges plus produce SOLUTIONS! But it was that will no avail. The more Ian fretted, the more his immediate reports took fright and endured solution paralysis. Eventually, Ian called a problems meeting and demanded in detail. the problem? he shrieked, slamming his fist down on the table. But his direct reviews, flabbergasted to hear Ian while using P word, couldn bring themselves to inform him that the challenge was him! Advice to Ian.
モンクレール 新作 メンズ
アグ アウトレット:
Hence, increasingly, they kept clear connected with Ian, knowing that if many people dared to broach wounds (particularly insoluble ones!) they would incur the wrath. It didn take Ian long to realise that his or her direct reports were failing to produce results and he became exceedingly frustrated in regards to the lack of progress. Naturally he remonstrated at their side, explaining over and above again the importance connected with proposing solutions. what you paid for to spot challenges and produce SOLUTIONS! But it was to no avail. The more Ian fretted, the more his direct reports took fright and experienced solution paralysis. Eventually, Ian called a turmoil meeting and demanded a conclusion. the problem? he shrieked, slamming his fist down around the table. But his direct stories, flabbergasted to hear Ian using the P word, couldn bring themselves to see him that the challenge was him! Advice to Ian.
アグ アウトレット
Consequently, increasingly, they kept clear connected with Ian, knowing that if many people dared to broach wounds (particularly insoluble people!) they would incur the wrath. It didn take Ian longer to realise that the direct reports were failing to deliver results and he became exceedingly frustrated within the lack of progress. Naturally he remonstrated along, explaining over and around again the importance regarding proposing solutions. what you paid with regard to to spot challenges and produce SOLUTIONS! But it was to be able to no avail. The more Ian fretted, the more his special reports took fright and suffered with solution paralysis. Eventually, Ian called a problems meeting and demanded in detail. the problem? he shrieked, slamming his fist down on the table. But his direct stories, flabbergasted to hear Ian while using the P word, couldn bring themselves to share with him that the trouble was him! Advice to Ian.
UGG ブーツ- アグ -【Fluffie】シープスキン トングサンダル(メンズ)★★:
Great article.|
UGG ブーツ- アグ -【Fluffie】シープスキン トングサンダル(メンズ)★★
モンクレール 新作 メンズ:
So, increasingly, they kept clear regarding Ian, knowing that if they dared to broach accidental injuries (particularly insoluble ones!) they would incur her wrath. It didn take Ian much time to realise that his or her direct reports were failing to offer results and he became exceedingly frustrated regarding the lack of progress. Naturally he remonstrated at their side, explaining over and about again the importance associated with proposing solutions. what you paid intended for to spot challenges in addition to produce SOLUTIONS! But it was to be able to no avail. The more Ian fretted, the more his one on one reports took fright and experienced solution paralysis. Eventually, Ian called a turmoil meeting and demanded a conclusion. the problem? he shrieked, slamming his fist down within the table. But his direct stories, flabbergasted to hear Ian with the P word, couldn bring themselves to see him that the issue was him! Advice to Ian.
モンクレール 新作 メンズ
アグ ブーツ:
Consequently, increasingly, they kept clear connected with Ian, knowing that if they will dared to broach wounds (particularly insoluble versions!) they would incur his wrath. It didn take Ian much time to realise that his / her direct reports were failing to supply results and he became exceedingly frustrated regarding the lack of progress. Naturally he remonstrated at their side, explaining over and over again the importance of proposing solutions. what you paid pertaining to to spot challenges and produce SOLUTIONS! But it was in order to no avail. The more Ian fretted, the more his direct reports took fright and suffered with solution paralysis. Eventually, Ian called a crisis meeting and demanded an explanation. the problem? he shrieked, slamming his fist down about the table. But his direct reports, flabbergasted to hear Ian when using the P word, couldn bring themselves to tell him that the issue was him! Advice to Ian.
アグ ブーツ
UGG ブーツ- アグ -【MENS NEUMAN】ニューマン メンズ ムートンシューズ★★:
I am sure this piece of writing has touched all the internet users, its really really pleasant paragraph on building up new weblog.|
UGG ブーツ- アグ -【MENS NEUMAN】ニューマン メンズ ムートンシューズ★★
ミネトンカ キッズ モカシン:
Consequently, increasingly, they kept clear connected with Ian, knowing that if that they dared to broach incidents (particularly insoluble kinds!) they would incur his or her wrath. It didn take Ian long to realise that his direct reports were failing to provide results and he became exceedingly frustrated regarding the lack of progress. Naturally he remonstrated using them, explaining over and over again the importance regarding proposing solutions. what you paid for to spot challenges along with produce SOLUTIONS! But it was that will no avail. The more Ian fretted, the more his immediate reports took fright and lived with solution paralysis. Eventually, Ian called a crisis meeting and demanded an explanation. the problem? he shrieked, slamming his fist down within the table. But his direct reports, flabbergasted to hear Ian with the P word, couldn bring themselves to inform him that the dilemma was him! Advice to Ian.
ミネトンカ キッズ モカシン
アグ ブーツ:
And so, increasingly, they kept clear with Ian, knowing that if these people dared to broach incidents (particularly insoluble ones!) they would incur his or her wrath. It didn take Ian longer to realise that the direct reports were failing to supply results and he became exceedingly frustrated concerning the lack of progress. Naturally he remonstrated with these, explaining over and over again the importance regarding proposing solutions. what you paid to get to spot challenges plus produce SOLUTIONS! But it was to be able to no avail. The more Ian fretted, the more his immediate reports took fright and suffered with solution paralysis. Eventually, Ian called a catastrophe meeting and demanded an explanation. the problem? he shrieked, slamming his fist down on the table. But his direct stories, flabbergasted to hear Ian while using P word, couldn bring themselves to see him that the trouble was him! Advice to Ian.
アグ ブーツ
So, increasingly, they kept clear connected with Ian, knowing that if these people dared to broach injuries (particularly insoluble people!) they would incur her wrath. It didn take Ian lengthy to realise that his or her direct reports were failing to provide results and he became exceedingly frustrated about the lack of progress. Naturally he remonstrated with these, explaining over and about again the importance of proposing solutions. what you paid with regard to to spot challenges and produce SOLUTIONS! But it was in order to no avail. The more Ian fretted, the more his immediate reports took fright and suffered from solution paralysis. Eventually, Ian called a catastrophe meeting and demanded evidence. the problem? he shrieked, slamming his fist down within the table. But his direct information, flabbergasted to hear Ian while using P word, couldn bring themselves to make sure him that the problem was him! Advice to Ian.
ディーゼル アウトレット:
I go to see every day some web sites and websites to read articles or reviews, except this website provides quality based content.
ディーゼル アウトレット
And so, increasingly, they kept clear of Ian, knowing that if they will dared to broach accidental injuries (particularly insoluble types!) they would incur his or her wrath. It didn take Ian long to realise that his / her direct reports were failing to produce results and he became exceedingly frustrated in regards to the lack of progress. Naturally he remonstrated with them, explaining over and about again the importance of proposing solutions. what you paid intended for to spot challenges in addition to produce SOLUTIONS! But it was to be able to no avail. The more Ian fretted, the more his one on one reports took fright and experienced solution paralysis. Eventually, Ian called a catastrophe meeting and demanded an explanation. the problem? he shrieked, slamming his fist down around the table. But his direct accounts, flabbergasted to hear Ian when using the P word, couldn bring themselves to inform him that the dilemma was him! Advice to Ian.
ミネトンカ ブーツ:
And so, increasingly, they kept clear with Ian, knowing that if they will dared to broach injuries (particularly insoluble types!) they would incur the wrath. It didn take Ian longer to realise that his / her direct reports were failing to produce results and he became exceedingly frustrated concerning the lack of progress. Naturally he remonstrated at their side, explaining over and above again the importance regarding proposing solutions. what you paid with regard to to spot challenges and produce SOLUTIONS! But it was to no avail. The more Ian fretted, the more his immediate reports took fright and suffered with solution paralysis. Eventually, Ian called a problems meeting and demanded an explanation. the problem? he shrieked, slamming his fist down on the table. But his direct stories, flabbergasted to hear Ian while using the P word, couldn bring themselves to tell him that the trouble was him! Advice to Ian.
ミネトンカ ブーツ
Hence, increasingly, they kept clear of Ian, knowing that if that they dared to broach injuries (particularly insoluble ones!) they would incur his / her wrath. It didn take Ian longer to realise that his direct reports were failing to supply results and he became exceedingly frustrated in regards to the lack of progress. Naturally he remonstrated at their side, explaining over and above again the importance associated with proposing solutions. what you paid pertaining to to spot challenges along with produce SOLUTIONS! But it was in order to no avail. The more Ian fretted, the more his direct reports took fright and endured solution paralysis. Eventually, Ian called a catastrophe meeting and demanded evidence. the problem? he shrieked, slamming his fist down on the table. But his direct information, flabbergasted to hear Ian with the P word, couldn bring themselves to tell him that the trouble was him! Advice to Ian.
ミネトンカ ブーツ フリンジ:
So, increasingly, they kept clear associated with Ian, knowing that if these people dared to broach accidental injuries (particularly insoluble versions!) they would incur his or her wrath. It didn take Ian much time to realise that his or her direct reports were failing to offer results and he became exceedingly frustrated regarding the lack of progress. Naturally he remonstrated using them, explaining over and more than again the importance with proposing solutions. what you paid for to spot challenges plus produce SOLUTIONS! But it was that will no avail. The more Ian fretted, the more his direct reports took fright and suffered from solution paralysis. Eventually, Ian called a crisis meeting and demanded in detail. the problem? he shrieked, slamming his fist down around the table. But his direct reviews, flabbergasted to hear Ian while using P word, couldn bring themselves to share with him that the issue was him! Advice to Ian.
ミネトンカ ブーツ フリンジ
UGG ムートンブーツ:
Hence, increasingly, they kept clear with Ian, knowing that if they will dared to broach incidents (particularly insoluble ones!) they would incur his wrath. It didn take Ian lengthy to realise that the direct reports were failing to offer results and he became exceedingly frustrated about the lack of progress. Naturally he remonstrated along, explaining over and more than again the importance with proposing solutions. what you paid to get to spot challenges plus produce SOLUTIONS! But it was that will no avail. The more Ian fretted, the more his direct reports took fright and suffered with solution paralysis. Eventually, Ian called a turmoil meeting and demanded in detail. the problem? he shrieked, slamming his fist down about the table. But his direct accounts, flabbergasted to hear Ian while using P word, couldn bring themselves to make sure him that the dilemma was him! Advice to Ian.
UGG ムートンブーツ
ヴィヴィアンウエストウッド アウトレット:
Wow, what a quality it is! Because mostly YouTube video tutorials have no fastidious feature, but this is genuinely a nice quality video.
ヴィヴィアンウエストウッド アウトレット
ディーゼル アウトレット:
Quality content is the crucial to be a focus for the viewers to visit the website, that’s what this web page is providing.
ディーゼル アウトレット
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コーチ 財布:
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コーチ 財布
コーチ バッグ 新作:
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コーチ バッグ 新作:
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オロビアンコ 財布:
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Apr 27, 2005   [去年の今ごろ]

Nokia の N91 が発表された。

ITmediaモバイル:Nokia、初代iPod miniと同じ容量の音楽携帯「N91」発表

 Nokia からまた、日本でのリリースを切望したくなる携帯電話が発表された。

  • ステンレススチールボディ
  • 4GバイトのHDDを搭載
  • MP3、M4A、AAC、WMA に対応
  • 無線LAN
  • Bluetooth

 スペックを見てまず目を惹かれたのが PENCK の全面めっきも霞む機能美のステンレススチールボディ。iPod 的な使い方ができる音楽ケータイでありながら、Bluetooth も使うことができるから PIM 的に使うユーザも満足。現在日本にある機種でカバーされていない、かゆい所に手が届いている。

 W-CDMA に対応しているということは DoCoMo か Vodafone から販売される可能性が無きにしも非ず。うまい具合に (せめて日本語メールと通話がまともできるように) ローカライズされることを期待。


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imagegallery プラグインのテスト

imagegallery プラグイン

 imagegallery は blosxom :: the zen of blogging :: plugins によれば

imagegallery - ImageGallery allows you to easily add a group of images and thumbnails to your blosxom site. You create your story, a folder of images, folder of thumbnails, and an optional folder of comments, and the plugin does the rest.


 ImageGallery はあなたの blosxom サイトに画像のグループとサムネイルを簡単に加えることを可能にします。ストーリー、画像のフォルダ、サムネイルのフォルダと任意ですがコメントのフォルダを作成すればあとはプラグインが作成します。

だそうで、ImageMagick を用いるプラグインと異なり自分でサムネイルを用意する必要がありますが Irfanview などでバッチ処理を行えば比較的手軽にギャラリーを作成することができるプラグインです。



 blosxom の plugin registry より imagegallery プラグインをダウンロードします。

 プラグインをエディタで開き Configurable variables を自分のサイトに合わせて書き換えます。動作させるために変更が必要なのは以下の二つの変数です。

ギャラリーのフォルダを URL で指定。
ギャラリーのフォルダを パス で指定。

例えば wakwak なら

  • $images_url = "/~ユーザ名/image/gallery";
  • $images_path = "/public_html/image/gallery";

等を指定します。プラグインを blosxom の plugins ディレクトリにアップロードします。

flavour の設定

 story flavour をエディタで開き、ギャラリーを表示する位置($body の下または上など)に以下の変数を挿入します。

  • $imagegallery::gallery
  • $imagegallery::comments


 上で指定したギャラリーのフォルダ以下にギャラリーの名前でフォルダを作成し、その中に images, thumnails, comments(任意) を作成します(ディレクトリ構成参照)。ギャラリーとして表示する画像をそれぞれのフォルダにコピーします。images フォルダの画像と同じファイル名ののサムネイルを thumnails フォルダにコピーする必要があります。




 準備を終えたら記事に <!-- imagegallery imagefolder --> と書き加えれば記事を表示したときにギャラリーが追加されます。imagefolder の部分にはフォルダ名(上の例では gallery01)を入れます。


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Apr 12, 2005   [去年の今ごろ]


 『 2005/4/10(Sun) 』 にあるようにオークションで A5406CA を落札したので私が常日頃持つ機種変更をしたいという思い、もとい「自分が持っているのと違う携帯を使ってみたい」という思いが薄れつつある。A5406CA を購入はしたがおそらく携帯のカメラという使い方がメインとなるためこの機種への機種変更はしないつもり。

 機種変更をしないもう一つの理由は、現在の端末利用期間を延ばすため。なんだかんだ言って結局1年間使いつづけた A5404S から、発売後1年近く経とうとしている A5405CA に機種変更を行って端末利用期間がリセットされるのはあまり得をする気分ではない。むしろ最新機種を割安に買うことができるようにこの権利を温存しておくのがベターだと考えている。

 そもそも、現在の au CDMA1X に魅力的な最新機種があってこそだが。


Posted at 08:38 -  permalink -  category: 携帯電話 -  comments(0) -  tags: mobile

Apr 03, 2005   [去年の今ごろ]

一覧表示と個別表示の flavour を分離した。

 これまで blosxom.cgi を開いたときに表示される一覧表示と各エントリの個別表示 (いわゆるパーマリンク) の flavour はどちらも *.html だったが、個別表示で表示される内容の一部を一覧表示と異なるものにするために flavour を分離した。*.html を *.htm にコピーし、 *.htm の方を一覧表示用とした。つまり *.htm には変更点はない。一方 *.html の変更点は以下のとおり。

  • コメント欄を複数行にした。
  • メモを削除した。


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